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How to best support your child through the HSC


Year 12, is without a doubt one of the toughest times of your teenager’s life. It can seem like the world is literally falling around them and never going to end. Unfortunately, parents also tend to ride the rollercoaster with them and all the emotions accompanied through this long and tumultuous twelve-month endeavour. So with the final race starting last week on October 17, how can we support them through the marathon of the HSC Exams?

With exams now well under way, as parents, we start to hear over and over the phrase “I can’t wait until it’s over” from our over-stressed teens. It’s a phrase that is repeated and repeated, and we wonder just what good is this stress and torture in the form of exams doing for our young adults.

In NSW, many of our teenagers are now 18 years old. They can drink, drive, and many even have had to vote in the most recent poll on marriage equality. Yet they are subjected to a year of exams, major works, stretched beyond means with the addition of competing in social sports with the aim of maybe, getting into a desired college. But that’s beside the point as right now many of our young adults as we read this, are sitting exams they have worked a whole year towards.

As we all know, the HSC is a testing time for parents. Being a week into the long ordeal, we are hearing how some parents are sleeping on the floor next to their teens to ensure they get a good night’s sleep, though perhaps while well-meaning, has the opposite effect.

So what can we really do to help?

In our research over the past week, Edstart has learnt the most effective way to help during the HSC is to be yourself and do as you would always. Taking time off work only heightens the importance of the events happening in their lives, and creates an awareness that you know what is going on as well. Our kids are becoming adults and as difficult as it is, we can’t spoon feed them and wrap them up in a ball during this time.

While the importance of the HSC has been realised in the past few years, with an increased number of students sitting the Year 12 final exams in the past five years, it is not the be all and end all of their lives. As parents, we all know that university is not the only answer, and there is no one route suits all. Academia will get you far in life, but so will good craftsmanship, being street smart and many other skills that they may excel in outside of the written exam.

Guidance and support is what we strive to provide for our teenagers, and it can go a long way. So, while they sit their exams, do you know what your child has planned for the next few years of their lives? What have they envisioned for their future? This is a key motivating factor and one that you can support. And helping your teen learn how to achieve their goals can be vital. For some it may be as simple as acing their exams to get into the best university. For some it may not be as simple. So, help guide your teen with solutions to the problems they may endeavour.

You can be interested in their subjects that they are studying. Do you know what exams they have already had? Is Biology first or last in their schedule, are they doing General or Advanced Mathematics? You don’t need to take annual leave from work to show your interest and support in the HSC.

It's healthy to take a break

Another piece of advice for helping your teen through these tumultuous weeks is to ensure they relax. A break outside at the beach, or playing half an hour of basketball is vital for their brain activity. The mind, body and soul are important so help them step away from the computer from time to time.

Edstart wishes you and your family a smooth run during the 2017 HSC Exams!

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